Since Plan-IT Workshop version 5.171.9879 it is possible to configure Microsoft Office 365as mailserver in Plan-IT Workshop.
Follow the below steps to configure Microsoft Office 365 as mailserver:
- Click in the menubar on the option System.
- Select the option System settings.
- In the top row of tabs, go to Connections.
- Go in the second row of tabs to Mail.
- In the field Mail server enter:
- Below that, in the field Port, enter: 587.
- In the field Security, select: TLS.
- Then enter the correct details of your Microsoft Office 365 account in the Log-in and Password fields in the right part of this window.
- Make sure that the same e-mailaddress that is entered in the Log-in field is also entered in the Sender e-mail field.
- Finally, enter your company name that the customer will see as sender in the Sendername field.