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How do I use Microsoft Office 365 as the mailserver in Plan-IT Workshop?

Since Plan-IT Workshop version 5.171.9879 it is possible to configure Microsoft Office 365as mailserver in Plan-IT Workshop.

Follow the below steps to configure Microsoft Office 365 as mailserver:

  1. Click in the menubar on the option System.
  2. Select the option System settings.
  3. In the top row of tabs, go to Connections.
  4. Go in the second row of tabs to Mail.
  5. In the field Mail server enter:
  6. Below that, in the field Port, enter: 587.
  7. In the field Security, select: TLS.
  8. Then enter the correct details of your Microsoft Office 365 account in the Log-in and Password fields in the right part of this window.
  9. Make sure that the same e-mailaddress that is entered in the Log-in field is also entered in the Sender e-mail field.
  10. Finally, enter your company name that the customer will see as sender in the Sendername field.

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