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Follow below steps to configure Plan-IT Online on time properly:
After selecting the establishment, create the groups. Plan-IT Workshop uses these groups to link specific employees to the operations of Plan-IT Online on time.
To create more groups when all fields are filled, click on the Opslaan (Save) button. After the webpage is refreshed, a new empty field is added beneath the entered groups. Repeat this until you have added all groups that you want.
After creating the groups, go to the top of the page to create the operations. There are two types of operations: main operations (Radiobutton) and extra operations (Checkbox).
Specify for each operation to which Group you want to link it, or leave the field to alle bewerkingen (all operations) when it can be performed by all employees.
Enter an amount of AE (job units) to specify how much time is needed for an operation. Based on the specified AEs, Plan-IT Workshop checks where the planning has capacity to schedule the operations.
Go to Plan-IT Workshop to configure the connection with the online module, to enable the online module to read the capacity of the planning board.
Click on the Save button in the bottom right corner when all data is entered. After saving, Plan-IT will show a pop-up window with a question of the capacity needs to be initialized. Click on the No button for now. This does not need to be sent over until after creating the calendar.
When closing the window, Plan-IT will show a pop-up with the question to update the online modile. Click on the No button for now.
When a customer makes an appointment online, Plan-IT Online will place a reservation on the planning board. You can give these reservations a specific color by creating operations with the exact same name as the operation in Plan-IT Online on time.
Then create the calendar.
Choose a certain time duration for the AE (job unit) that you want to work with, for example 30 minutes. Blocks of 30 minutes will have to be created then (keeping breaks into account).
Create the preferred schedule for the first day, in blocks of AE (job unit). In this example we create a schedule from 8:00 to 17:00 with a break between 12:30 and 13:00.
The first block is now added:
Repeat this until the day is fully filled. When you have done this, the calendar will look like this:
Now copy the filled day to the rest of the week. Click with the right mouse button on the filled dayand select the option Copy:
Then click with the right mouse button on the empty days in the same week and select the Paste option until the entire week is filled.
The filled week will now look like this:
Now copy the entire week by clicking with the right mouse button on the week number, and select the Copy option:
Now click with the right mouse button on the week number of an empty week, and select the Paste special option:
Your calendar will then look like this for the rest of the year:
In case you also want to fill the calendars of other eployees, select another employee in the Employee field in the bottom left corner. You can immediately use the Paste special option to paste the same copied week in the calendar of other employees until the end of the year.
When the calendars of all empoyees are filled, click on the Close button in the bottom right corner. A pop-up window appears asking if you want to update the online module. Now click the Yes button.
When the updating is finished, the employees with blocks of online working hours are available for online appointments. These will now be placed on the planning board as reservations.