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What are the program options of Autoline_Werkorders?

The Autoline_Werkorders.exe program is used to get work orders from Autoline and make them available for Plan-IT.

There are many different ways to collect these work orders. By using parameters, you can indicate how the Autoline_Werkorders.exe collects the work orders.

Attention: this program must be started on the server where the ODBC is running.

These parameters are described below:

Parameter 1: This parameter indicates if a centralized or decentralized reception file is used in Autoline. The options are:

0 = Receptionists are managed per establishment in Autoline
1 = Receptionists are managed centralized in Autoline

Parameter 2: This parameter indicates how much logging you want to see when the service is running. This logging can be used for debugging. There are several options:

1 = Minimal logging (only that the service is started or accidently stopped)
2 = Maximum logging (here the system will give detailed feedback what queries are used and what is the response of Autoline)
3 = This logging shows if a work order already exists in any establishment
4 = This logging checks if the connection with Autoline is being made
5 = This logging checks if there is a problem that makes the service freeze.

Parameter 3: This parameter indicates which connection should be used. There are several options:

-1 = This is the default connection when the ' laatbak' of Autoline is turned on with the time notation 9.00
0 = This is the default connection when the ' laatbak' of Autoline is turned on with the time notation 9,00
1 = This is the Stern connection
2 = This is the ASV connection
3 = This is the Amega connection
4 = This is the Wensink connection
5 = This is the BMW connection
6 = This is the default connection when the 'laatbak' of Autoline is turned off.
7 = This is the default connection when the 'laatbak' of Autoline is turned off, with the addition that extra owner and driver information is being collected.

When using connection 7, the work order in Autoline has to meet the following conditions:

  1. The work order in Autoline must have a receptionist linked.
  2. The work order in Autoline must have a customer date entered, that lies in the future.
  3. The work order in Autoline can not be invoiced yet.
  4. The work order in Autoline must have a registration number. (may also be the last 6 characters of the VIN number, as long as something is filled in)

8 = This is the default connection when the 'laatbak' of Autoline is turned off, but the customer date and time do not have to be entered in Autoline. (see parameter 7 option 2) This option is active since Plan-IT version 5.171.8713.

9 = This is the same connection as option 7, but with another date notation. This option is active since Plan-IT version 5.171.8900.

11 = This is the same connection as option 7, but the field BEMAIL is not collected anymore. Use this connection when there are error messages for BEMAIL in the logging.

Parameter 4: This parameter indicates how long the service must wait until performing the next run. When nothing is entered here, it will be set to 0 by default and the program will wait for 6 seconds. Any value can be entered here, the value is in seconds.

Parameter 5: This parameter must be set to 1 when multiple ODBC users are used to connect with Autoline. When a dealer has many establishments, we advice to use multiple ODBC users to connect.

Parameter 6: When multiple ODBC users are used to connect with Autoline, specify in this value how many establishments this connection needs to process. (when there are 4 establishments for example, enter value 4)

Parameter 7: When multiple ODBC users are used to connect with Autoline, specify in this value which ODBC user this service will process. So when this is the 2nd ODBC is for example, then enter value 2. This means that this service (taking parameter 6 into account) processes establishment 5 to 8.

The most commonly used setting is: Autoline_Werkorders.exe 1 1 7

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