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How do I copy the calendar to a new year?

As the end of the year approaches, many of our customers discover that there are no working hours available in the next year.

The planboard is then all grey and it is not possible to schedule work orders.

Follow the below steps to fill the planboard for the next year:

  1. Click in the menubar on the option File.
  2. Select the option Calendar.

The Calendar window appears with the current month.

  1. To copy the working hours from the current year to the next year, click with the right mouse button on the week number of a filled week.
  2. Select the option Copy.

  1. Navigate to the first month of the next year with the buttons in the bottom right corner.

  1. Now click with the right mouse button on the first week of the new year.
  2. When it is a broken week (part of the days are still in the current year) you select the option Paste.

  1. The first week is now filled with the working hours of the copied week.
  2. Then click with the right mouse button on the first week that falls entirely in the next year.
  3. Select the option Paste special.

A pop-up message appears that the copied week will be copied repeatedly to the end of the year.

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm.

The whole year is now filled for the first employee.

  1. To fill the calendar of the other employees with the same working hours, click with the right mouse button on the year in the top left corner.
  2. Select the option Copy.

The whole year is now copied.

  1. Select another employee in the dropdown menu in the bottom left corner.

The calendar of the selected employee is now shown.

  1. Click with the right mouse button on the year again in the top left corner.
  2. Select the option Paste all employees.

A pop-up message appears that the copied year will be pasted to the next year for all empoyees.

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm.

A window appears now in which Plan-IT copies the calendar to all employees. Wait for this window to disappear again.

  1. In the bottom right corner , click on the Close button to close the calendar window.

When you have configured an online module in Plan-IT, a pop-up window appears with the question if you want to send the edited working hours to the online module.

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm (otherwise the online module will keep working with the old working hours where the next year is still empty, and customers will not be able to schedule appointment requests for the next year through the online planner).

Now work orders can be scheduled in the next year.

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