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It is possible in Plan-IT to send automatic SMS reminders to customers. You need a Plan-IT SMS account to be able to do this.
Follow the below steps to turn on the Plan-IT SMS module:
When the Plan-IT SMS module is turned on, follow the below steps to set the SMS reminder:
Then you create the SMS texts. In the top of this window, click right from the field Sender, on the button Manage SMS texts. The window SMS beheer opens:
In the field Display, select wether the SMS reminder is used in all departments or only in the current department.
In the field Model, select what kind of SMS reminder you want to create. You can choose between the following models SMS reminder:
Reminder time bound | the SMS reminder that is sent when the option Time appointment is turned on in the work order. |
Reminder | the default SMS reminder that is sent when the option time appointment is not turned on and deliver/collect car are not filled in. |
Reminder collect car | the SMS reminder that is sent when the option Collect car is turned on and Company collects car is selected in the work order. |
Reminder return customer | the SMS reminder that is sent when the option Deliver is turned on and Company returns car is selected in the work order. |
In the field Text, enter the text for the SMS reminder.
There are several tags that you can use in SMS messages:
[KENTEKEN] | this tag will be replaced in the SMS message by the license plate number that is entered in the work order. |
[DATUM] | this tag will be replaced in the SMS message by the starting date of the work order. When the option time appointment is turned on, that customer date will be placed here. |
[TIJD] | this tag will be replaced in the SMS message by the starting time of the work order. When the option time appointment is turned on, that customer time will be placed here. |
[RECEPTIE] | this tag will be replaced in the SMS message by the name of the receptionist that is selected in the work order. |
[VESTIGING] | this tag will be replaced in the SMS message by the name of the establishment in which the work order is scheduled. |
[KLANT] | this tag will be replaced in the SMS message by the name of the customer that is selected in the work order. |
With this you can for example create a reminder time bound with the text: We are expecting you at [TIJD] and have the time that is entered in the time appointment field from the work order, placed in the SMS reminder.
To indicate in a work order that you want to have an SMS reminder sent, put a check in the box with the option SMS service. Check if the correct mobile phone number is entered in the field next to it, this is normally automaticlally taken from the customer details after a registration number is entered in the work order.
With turning on the SMS service option, the SMS reminder for this work order is set up to be sent. Depending on how many days in advance and the time that are set in the system settings, the prepared SMS reminders are sent out each day.
Plan-IT also takes the moving of work orders into account: