
New release: Plan-IT Workshop version 7.191.3680 available


Since February 21st 2024, a new version of Plan-IT Workshop is available.

You can find the Update Procedure here.

When you have questions regarding the new release, then please contact our helpdesk via: or via 0031 85-2362500

Plan-IT Workshop version 7.191.3680

Changes / Additions

  • In the popup for the online linked specialties of the emplyees, "All operations" and "Do not plan online" are now also visible in the popup. (these were previously suppressed)

  • When reporting the replacement vehicle back, the mileage and tank contents fields now remain empty so that they are easier to fill with the current status. (Once these have been completed, Plan-IT will show them)

  • Rentwise API: We now also send the driver's email address to Rentwise as well as the license plate number of the owner's car.

  • Checking for overcapacity including the length of the planned work order is now also performed when copying and Cut/Paste

  • With the option "Replace reservation for DMS work order", the replacement transport selected online is now linked to the work order (even if the DMS workoeder has no replacement transport).

  • Added the option to display damage for replacement vehicle when you change the status to "Vehicle runs" or "Vehicle return". This damage is now also stored when booking replacement vehicle.

  • It has now been made possible to send 12 months of availability to Plan-IT Online.

  • The color of the replacement vehicles is now also displayed on the occupancy overview with replacement transport.


  • Plan-IT Workshop can now also transfer the statuses from the Keyloop API. (new task)

  • CorrolationID is now also stored in the logging with the Keyloop API if something goes wrong in the connection.

  • Keyloop API now better retrieves the descriptions of the jobs.

  • Adjustment in XML link where we can now also process Ë character.


  • The Max number of work orders in a day at the bottom of the green bar now shows the correct number, taking days off into account.

  • Check for Overcapacity is no longer performed on the current day (or if it is after 4 p.m. for the next day)
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