New release: Plan-IT Workshop version 6.171.1715 available
Since 22 May 2020, a new version of Plan-IT Workshop is available.
When you have questions regarding the new release, then please contact our helpdesk via: or via 0031 478-531444
Plan-IT Workshop version 6.171.1715
Changes / Additions
- Better logging with cleanup and integrity check. It is now also kept up to date why a work order has been deleted. What the reason was that it did not meet the conditions.
- It is now possible to start the program in the replacement vehicle view.
- It is now possilbe to export all systemsettings via the Export.exe
- It is now possible to export all employees via the Export.exe
- Collectionlist 2.0 We made improvements to our collection list functionality
- It is now possible to choise a border color for time appointment, customers waiting, replacement cars and collect and return
- It is now possible to show illogical placement of a workorder regarding to the time appointment and customer waits appointment.
- Number of columns is increased from 16 to 25 in the management modules.
- Tirechange can now be shown on the planbord
- Statistics: There is now an option to only see the DMS workorders
- When a employee is deleted and there is a connection to Plan-IT Online, Plan-IT wil check if there are still reservations planned on this employee.
- It is now possible to reactivate a shelve in the tire-warehouse.
- It is now easier to see the workorder you are searching via the search option on the planboard.
- It is now possible to give a number of days you want your tires to be in the workshop before the customer has his appointment. This will be mailed to the tirestock.
- Extra check on VIN when manually adding a new tireset in the warehouse
- You can now filter on tirewidth in the tiremanager (and also print this filter)
- Reservation overview is changed. It is now possible to show multiple days, and have more search options
- It is now possilb to cut and copy from the pinnboard to the planning
- Extra option to check tyres that have multiple tyres without an enddate on the same registraion number.
- Websolve API / Autoline
- Optima21, change to how VIN is connected to Registration Number
SMS module
- It is now possible to exclude DMS ownernumbers from the SMS module.
- It is now possilble to first get a question before sending the SMS car ready.
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